Feng Shui and Pets

I’m sure you’ve heard of it, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of decades, but I’d like to give you my own description of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is the ancient practice utilized by the Chinese to assist in harmonizing  everything that surrounds you. The idea is that as long as everything around you is harmonious, your own energy and the cosmic energy, or Ch’I,  will help you increase your happiness, your health, your wealth, your family life, your relationships etc. Feng Shui teaches us how to place our furniture, our decorations, and how to use our colors and textures to achieve the greatest benefits possible in each area of our life.

Many people see feng shui as a superstition, and I tell them they couldn’t be more wrong. Although Feng Shui gives you “cures” for the problematic areas of your house, office, apartment, etc., their purpose is mostly to add an element that a certain area might be missing. Feng Shui teaches us the best way to achieve harmony.

Feng Shui uses a lot of common sense. If you walk into your house or apartment and you see clothes lying around, dirty dishes in the kitchen, a burnt out bulb in the entrance, a TV that doesn’t work in your den… what do you feel? I’d bet you start feeling stressed thinking how you haven’t had time to clean the place, how you have to find the time to change the bulb, how you have to wash the dishes or fix the TV. That’s energy that just drained from you. But, if you come in and you are welcomed by a clean and organized place, and you see harmonious colors, and smell nice aromas, your stress level will drop considerably. Don’t you feel just great when you’ve finally get that faucet fixed? Doesn’t it take a weight off your shoulders when you finally organize your drawers?

Sometimes all it takes is adding a light to a dark corner, or a splash of color in the room or a plant in front of the window  to make the place come alive. Have you ever been in someone’s home and just feel so comfortable you don’t want to leave? On the flip side, there are places that you just can’t wait to get out of!

Well, pets are particularly sensitive to the energies around our home and surrounding environment. Animals have the ability to sense things that humans don’t. Observe your pet. They can give you an idea of how Ch’i is working in your home.

Almost all cats and dogs know what room and what area of the room they do best in. Their health and their character reflect the energy of the house and the people living in it. When pets are ill, lethargic, or maybe even overweight, chances are that people in your household have the same symptoms.  If your animals are happy, well adjusted and lively, that will be the general feeling in your life.

Simply getting a pet if you don’t already have one is a good way to enhance your Ch’i. Animals represent fire energy. Adding fire energy to your life will make you more passionate and will give you motivation to do the things you like. They can help with depression, loneliness or bring a welcome change if you’re in a rut. They just make life better.

You also have to give them a harmonious life. Get down to their height. Look around. What would you see if you were a small animal? Make sure that there’s no mess under the bed, which, by the way, would be bad Feng Shui for you as well. Look at the corners of the floor. Do you see dust bunnies or accumulated dirt? Look under the sofas. Under the coffee table. Remember that whatever you do for them, will also be good for you.

Give them a place of their own. A bed, their water bowl, their toys, make it nice.

When you don’t feed, bathe and nurture your pet properly, your Feng Shui will suffer. Even if you don’t realize it, the way you treat people, pets and plants is very important for your own self-image and well being.

Animals are the best way to experience good Feng Shui. Find out the pros and cons of getting a new pet and adopt a friend from your animal shelter. You won’t regret it and your life will definitely improve.

If you want to read more about Feng Shui and find very useful information, visit me at www.lifewithfengshui.com

Rebeca Rambal

Working Feng Shui

The basic principle behind Feng Shui informs us if you change your environment to reflect your aspiration for something, you can improve you chances of obtaining it. As a result, Feng Shui techniques can be implemented to try to attract love, push your earning power to the next level or to gain success in your chose field. Several different theories try to explain why, and how, Feng Shui works. Whether you believe one or all of these theories are or not valid, their sum total strongly indicates that if you employ Feng Shui in an attempt to get love or money, you just might be taking the first stride towards achieving success.

Feng Shui might well work because it alters your self expectations. If you hang an object on the wall that is said to help you find love, you will expect to meet that special someone. Believing this may make you open to conversations with new people or more optimistic about your chances of hooking up with a stranger. Such factors increase the likelihood you will fall in love after you initiate Feng Shui practices. The rationale behind Feng Shui helping you find love may not be so much spiritual as it is psychological; nevertheless, it is hard to contest the fact that Feng Shui is accountable for your new romance.

Feng Shui can be a great technique for another reason – it continually reminds you of where you really desire to go. This may motivate you to take steps to implement your dreams. When you plant a representation of what you want in plain view of yourself and others, you are making it impossible to forget your objectives. As a daily reminder of what you desire to achieve, it can help you stay motivated as you struggle to accomplish that specific goal.

Simply by definitively admitting and pronouncing your desire to reach a set goal, many psychological experts believe you are more likely to achieve it than someone who conceals and does not express it. This, alone, could explain why Feng Shui is successful. By the time that you have learned the correct Feng Shui approach to your situation, purchased the necessary objects to utilize that particular technique and completed the process so that your environment reflects your stated objective, you will have clarified to yourself that you are committed to seeing your desire fulfilled. Following this procedure, therefore, can help you realize your dreams.

There is always, of course, another possible explanation. Perhaps claims made by Feng Shui maintaining that decorating a room in a specific manner to allow positive energy to flow freely throughout the environment, are actually true. Whatever you believe the reason Feng Shui works expectation theory keeping you motivated or spiritual involvement, one thing is certain: you have nothing to lose by investigating whether feng shui works for you.


Feng Shui Prosperity

If you wish to gain wealth and prosperity, the Feng Shui tradition states this requires both the correct attitude and the right conditions. When flow of chi in your home or workplace is blocked by obstacles, a struggle hindering prosperity ensues. Removing obstacles and freeing energy is part of applying Feng Shui. It is wrong to believe prosperity is solely about possessing money or owning things. Feng Shui is about consistently focusing on achieving and maintaining a sense of abundance and safekeeping. When considered from a spiritual perspective, abundance is not specifically restricted to financial wealth, but focuses on an abundance of all the desirable aspects in life: balance, family, health.

Feng Shui is an effective tool in helping you reach your goals no matter what they may be. If your aim is true wealth and prosperity, you require an environment that works with not against you. If the environment remains static, it works against you. Since your environment affects your thought patterns, you are likely to become ensnared by it, dragged down. Your environment should be a symbol of your prosperity and reflect who you are and where you are going – one that exemplifies the intent to act. At this point, you should consider Feng Shui. If chi energy flows freely, it will move you forward towards your goals.

Ironically, to achieve prosperity, one of the first steps in applying Feng Shui is to remove all clutter in your life and from your environment. All that extraneous material blocking doors and windows, the old clothes and furniture collecting dust mites, can act as an inhibitor. Through Feng Shui, you learn to remove all such obstacles and liberate your space. The negative energy held by dead plants, broken and damaged furniture and uncompleted projects does not contribute to expanding your wealth and well-being. Clutter can be defined as anything unfinished, unresolved or unused. If you use Feng Shui, you can deal with the clutter and free yourself.

Clutter slows down chi energy, but, in many instances, environmental energy is moving rapidly, speeding through the area, as swift as money flying out the door. Once you utilize feng shui principles, you act quickly to restore the balance between too much and too little material.

In addition to removing obstacles, Feng Shui involves the accumulation or introduction of positive energy. When certain items are placed properly, they draw in the good energy that contributes to prosperity. From positive motivating objects and symbols of wealth, to coins and family photos, a variety of objects can play a role in manufacturing the right type of energy in your home. Feng Shui principles guide you in the process of adding the specific colors, objects and special features to your workplace and residence that contribute to prosperity. Feng Shui will even identify the “wealth corner.” Of all areas, this place requires special attention to neatness and cleanliness and must be designed to bring positive, prosperous thoughts to mind.

A further note: in introducing into or adding positive symbols and energies to your environment, you are not concentrating on what you lack, or on a sensation that your possessions are insufficient in some manner. Feelings of craving and dissatisfaction do not contribute to prosperity. In utilizing the principles of Feng Shui, you concentrate on gratitude, which, in turn, creates a sense of abundance. Feng Shui demonstrates two objectives: how to surround yourself with symbols of prosperity and wealth and how to imbue your environment with positive, forward-moving energy. Both, acting together, will help you bring to fruition your goals.


10 Tips For Feng Shui Decorating

Feng shui refers to the ancient Chinese belief that focuses on arrangement and placement of things on certain places.

Though there are very few written documentation about the first existence of feng shui, it has survived time and tradition by oral communication and actual practice by the Chinese people.

One might notice that several regulations are derived from common sense and intuition. For example, a cluttered room or office is believed to imbibe bad feng shui, which, in actuality would really hinder productive work due to stress that might be a result of inability to find needed documents from a cluttered table.

Literally meaning “wind and water” feng shui is not simply a style of decorating. Most feng shui practices coincide with various decorating or arrangement styles. In fact, a certain room that accommodates feng shui regulations is more visually attractive and well-coordinated than those that had not been subjected to its practices.

Arrangement of furniture or other materials are considered so as to allow the entrance and passage of “good energy” or chi.

Good feng shui means that the arrangement coincides with nature. For example, the sink should not be placed beside the stove since the water (sink) puts out fire (stove), meaning one element overpowers the other.

Below are 10 tips taking into consideration Feng Shui decorating principles:

1. If possible, before a purchase of any house or a property, the surrounding area must have the following “support”.

The first on the list is to look for a “Tortoise” behind the house. This pertains to any man made or natural formation that generally gives a look of protection or support to the over-all structure of the area. A mountain, low trees and a simple fence may do.

Still, all of these must not be higher than the house so as to obstruct sunlight.

A “dragon” must be found on the left side. It would be better if it is higher that the front of the house. A simple fence or a tree might do for its place

A “white tiger” should be on the right side of the house. If it is higher than the “dragon”, it would be good for the women of the house. If the “tiger” is lower than the “dragon”, is good for the men.

A “phoenix” should be in front, the best of which is a river or a circular flower bed. This may also be a tree or another house.

Simply put, the stated four sides can be attributed to the four sides of a car, it should have 2 side doors, a rear and a low bumper to have a good view of the front lane. All of which are designed to protect the person inside the car.

2. The garden at the back of the house should always be larger than the one at the front

3. Spiral staircases should be avoided. If it is already installed, the bad energy emanating from this can be toned down by placing a faceted crystal sphere.

4. Overhead beams. In general, beams have the notion of carrying the weight of what it supports. Having a lot of beams inside the house (especially if it is exposed) may be the cause of many problems, according to feng shui.

Focal points such as beds, working table, children’s study desk should not be directly under beams since this carry around a heaviness sort of feeling to the individual who works or rests under the area.

5. The general outlook of the whole area (land, plants and house structure) must be in good condition and is easy on the eyes.

Good indications are healthy-looking plants and trees around the area and that the house is not so irregularly shaped (with lots of extension protruding from various sides).

The usual square or rectangular shaped houuses are still always the best kinds.

6. “Poison arrows” that is directly in front or pointing to the house should be avoided. A good example is having a lamppost or telephone poles that are directly at the front of a house or is directly across the street of one’s home.

To tone down the bad energy that comes from it, a Bagua mirror should be placed in the area where a poison arrow is directed.

7. Long narrow paths that lead to the front door must be avoided.

8. The front and back door should not be facing one another, that is, it should not be in a straight line.

This allows the good energy to only pass through the house.

9. Additional structures that overpower the look of the house should be avoided. This includes swimming pool, gazebos and ponds.

10. Trees at the front of the house must not be higher than the highest point of the house. The ideal length of trees is 6 feet.

Lee Dobbins